Anti-Money Laundering System (AML / CFT) for obligated entities
Any entity which falls under the definition of a obliged entity in Section 2 of Act No. 253/2008 Coll., on Selected Measures against the Legalization of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism. These are mainly:
we will create other related sample documents such as authorizations, notifications, reports, etc., needed to fulfill the obligations under Act No. 253/2008 Coll.
we will continuously help you with your obligations according to Act No. 253/2008 Coll.
we can perform the function of compliance / AML officer in your company and take care of some obligations
we will assist you with inspections of the FAU, the CNB or the Customs Administration (gambling)
We will prepare a system of internal policies and related documents for you on a turnkey basis within 14 days.
We custom-designed and helped implement a system of internal policies for many clients, such as non-banking consumer credit providers, securities dealers, investment intermediaries, payment service providers, alternative funds pursuant to Section 15 ZISIF, cryptoactive dealers and exchange offices.
The price depends on the complexity and scope of your business. You will receive a detailed written offer from us following a telephone or personal consultation.