Investment Funds, § 15

We will arrange for you the formation of a qualified investors fund, investment company or alternative fund according to Section 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Sb., on Management Companies and Investment Funds. We will advise you on the best form of collective investment business suitable for you, we will prepare all necessary documents for the proceedings held by the Czech National Bank.

Alternative Fund According to Section 15

Act No. 240/2013 Sb., on Management Companies and Investment Funds allows you to manage assets in a way that is comparable to managementIn practice, the name alternative fund, mini fund or just "§ 15" has been used for this type of fund.

Qualified Investors' Fund

This investing instrument is inteded solely for qualified investors (from 1 mil. CZK). The fund has to be registered at the Czech National Bank.

Management Company

We will manage the establishment of a management company, we will represent you in licensing and approval proceedings held by the Czech National Bank. We will prepare all documents as well as internal regulations, business plan and anything else needed.

We will manage the procurement of the license issued by the Czech National Bank.